RDF Javascript Products ()
RDF Javascript Products
Media type RDFa
Environment browser
Environment browser, node.js
Interface Custom, Node.js Streams
Linked Organizations through Dynamic Manufacturing Network Goal:Visual and Logic querying of Linked Enterprise Models
Plateau: legacy solutions Assessment: About no solution combining advanced dynamic visualisation and OWL with reasonning
Plateau: legacy solutions Assessment: no yet ontology based on ArchiMate and limited advanced limitation
Plateau: legacy solutions Virtuoso SPARQL HTTP Client for Node.js
Plateau: legacy solutions OpenLink Virtuoso
Plateau: legacy solutions stardog.js
Plateau: legacy solutions stardog http server
Plateau: legacy solutions OWL Reasoner
Plateau: legacy solutions OWLAPI 5.1.2
Plateau: legacy solutions d3sparql
Plateau: legacy solutions OWLAPI 4.0
Plateau: legacy solutions Protege 3
Plateau: legacy solutions JOWL
Plateau: legacy solutions Jambalaya
Plateau: legacy solutions Ontograph
Plateau: legacy solutions Protege 4&5
Plateau: legacy solutions Archi
Plateau: legacy solutions Zest graph viewer
Plateau: legacy solutions Linked Data Fragments Client
Plateau: legacy solutions trifid
Plateau: legacy solutions Linked Data Fragments Server
Plateau: legacy solutions Yet Another Sparql GUI
Plateau: legacy solutions rdflib.js
Plateau: legacy solutions LevelGraph
Plateau: legacy solutions sparql-spin-js3
Plateau: legacy solutions N3.js
Plateau: legacy solutions jsonld.js
Plateau: legacy solutions rdfstore-js
Plateau: legacy solutions node-rdf
Plateau: legacy solutions RDF-Ext
Plateau: legacy solutions green-turtle.js
Plateau: legacy solutions rdfquery
Plateau: legacy solutions SPARQL.js
Virtuoso SPARQL HTTP Client for Node.js OpenLink Virtuoso
stardog.js stardog http server
stardog http server OWL Reasoner
Hermit 1.3.8 OWLAPI 5.1.2
Hermit 1.3.8 OWL Reasoner
Chainsaw OWLAPI 5.1.2
Chainsaw OWL Reasoner
Racer OWLAPI 5.1.2
Racer OWL Reasoner
Pellet stardog http server
Pellet OWLAPI 5.1.2
Pellet OWL Reasoner
JFact 4.0 OWLAPI 4.0
Jambalaya Protege 3
Protege 4&5 Ontograph
Archi Zest graph viewer
trifid Yet Another Sparql GUI
Linked Data Fragments Server Linked Data Fragments Client
Gap: missing solution components Assessment: About no solution combining advanced dynamic visualisation and OWL with reasonning
Gap: missing solution components Assessment: no yet ontology based on ArchiMate and limited advanced limitation
Gap: missing solution components Plateau: legacy solutions
Plateau: demonstrators ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer
Plateau: demonstrators vis.js
Plateau: demonstrators OWL Reasoner
Plateau: demonstrators RDF SparQL client solution
Plateau: demonstrators RDF Triple Store Server
Plateau: demonstrators Ontology Modeler
Plateau: demonstrators Archi
Plateau: demonstrators UML2/SysML Modeler
ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer vis.js
ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer RDF SparQL client solution