(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - CDO 4.6.0)
(Application Component - Node)
(Basic Formal Ontology - BFO)
(Technology Collaboration based on open source standard - Principle 2: Ensuring to be technical solutions and software proveders independant)
(Archi Model Repository Plugin 0.2.7 - Junction)
(vaadin 4 Liferay portlet - Junction)
(Path - Git Interface)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - rdfquery)
(Visual Studio Code - Javascript Editor)
(Racer - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(Principle 2: Ensuring to be technical solutions and software proveders independant - Goal: Mastering the evolution of the information system relying on open enterprise modeling standards and solutions)
(Material_entity - object_aggregate)
(vaadin 4 Liferay portlet - Vaadin 7)
(Graph Database products - DataStax Enterprise Graph)
(Plateau: demonstrators - RDF SparQL client solution)
(Vivagraph.js - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Pellet - stardog http server)
(GitHub Files Configuration Management Service - my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format)
(Semantic Web Services - Aggregating data published on distributed servers)
(Git Client - Git Interface)
(Junction - WEB User Interface Component)
(UML2.5 OMG Specifications - UML2 5.3.0 MDT )
(spatio-temporal_region - connected_spatiotemporal_region)
(Requirement: PLM data must be exchangeable and preserve over the time - Driver: PLM Harmonization)
(Advanced OWL Visualization - Ontology Editor)
(Dependant_continuent - generically_dependent_continuant)
(Hermit 1.3.8 - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(Racer - OWL Reasoner)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - rdfstore-js)
(connected_spatiotemporal_region - spatio_temporal_instant)
(processual_entity - Process)
(MDT Papyrus - XSD Ecore Converter 2.9.0 )
(Graph Database products - Neo4j)
(ArchiMate Representation - Principle 1: Relying on a shared language for establishing effective collaboration)
(ArchiMate Representations - Enterprise Model)
(Metal.js - Lexicon V1(language))
(axios-archi.js - Archi file)
(Easy to learn - Junction)
(Keylines - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Web Browser - DOM API)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Linked Data Fragments Server)
(JFact 4.0 - OWLAPI 4.0)
(Distributed Enterprise Architect Team - Enterprise Architect)
(flows to - Business Actor)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Protege 3)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - OpenLink Virtuoso)
(GitHub Infrastructure - GitHub Files Configuration Management Service)
(Upper Ontology - COmmon Semantic MOdel)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - D3.js)
(Personnal computer - my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format)
(MDT Papyrus - XTEXT)
(Location - Application Component)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Archi)
(Material_entity - fiat_object_part)
(node.js - ECMAScript Engine)
(Continuant - spatial_region)
(MDT Papyrus - EMF Ecore 2.13)
(OWLGred - Advanced OWL Visualization)
(Neo4j - Neo4J Browser)
(Personnal computer - Git Client)
(Realizable_Entity - Role)
(ArchiMate Collaborative Modeling Solution - Enterprise Collaborative Modeling)
(Realizable_Entity - Disposition)
(Neo4J Browser - D3.js)
(Protege 5 - Ontograph Plugin)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - green-turtle.js)
(MDT Papyrus - CDO 4.6.0)
(Enterprise Collaborative Modeling - Distributed Enterprise Architect Team)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - JOWL)
(Independant_continuent - object_boundary)
(processual_entity - fiat_process_part)
(Data Object - Application Event)
(Junction - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(Independant_continuent - Material_entity)
(MDT Papyrus - Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.0)
(MDT Papyrus - EMF Compare 3.3.1)
(Location - Business Actor)
(GIST - Gist 7.5)
(Principle 1: Relying on a shared language for establishing effective collaboration - Goal: Mastering the evolution of the information system relying on open enterprise modeling standards and solutions)
(specifically_dependent_continuant - Quality)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Yet Another Sparql GUI)
(Safari - Web Browser)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - node-rdf)
(Open Format representation - ArchiMate Representations)
(Horizontal Enteprise Portal - WEB User Interface Component)
(AlloyUI - AlloyUI)
(I3: Multiple Dissociated Boundaries - Organizational/Decisional/Technical/Knowledge Domain/Technical - Driver: PLM Harmonization)
(Other alternative studied solutions - Element 1.4)
(Semantic Web Services - (logical) Querying)
(Hermit 1.3.8 - OWL Reasoner)
(React v16 - Junction)
(temporal_region - scattered_temporal_region)
(processual_entity - process_aggregate)
(Upper Ontology - Unified Fundational Ontology)
(Unified Fundational Ontology - UFO)
(spatial_region - three_dimentional_region)
(Linked Data Fragments Server - Linked Data Fragments Client)
(Other alternative studied solutions - SemanticUI v 2.2 )
(Plateau: legacy solutions - d3sparql)
(Personnal computer - Archi 4.0.3)
(Personnal computer - my Enterprise Model.archimate)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Keylines)
(Business Objects Reference Ontology - BORO)
(Capability - Course of Action)
(Alchemy.js - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - OCL for UML 5.3.0)
(my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format - my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format)
(Git Client - Git Interface)
(Advanced Data Visualisation - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Web Browser - ArchiMate Model Advanced Interactive Viewer)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Jambalaya)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - OWLAPI 4.0)
(Path - Git Interface)
(Archi 4.0.3 - ArchiMate Modeling Editor)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Tom Sawyer solution)
(ArchiMate Collaborative Modeling Solution - Collaborative Modeling Solution)
(Junction - Collaborative Modeling Solution)
(Web Browser - ECMAScript Engine)
(Plateau: demonstrators - Archi)
(Semantic Web Services - Sponging e.g. collection of distributed related data before answering a query)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - MDT Papyrus)
(vis.js - Advanced visualisation)
(Archi Model Repository Plugin 0.2.7 - my Enterprise Model.archimate)
(Upper Ontology - Fundational (BFO+DOLCE+GFO))
(temporal_region - connected_temporal_region)
( - Synchronisation and configuration management)
(Semantic Web Services - Inferencing = Reification of links as reference properties)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - trifid)
(- - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(MDT Papyrus - Sirius)
(ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer - vis.js)
(Your Enterprise - Goal: Mastering the evolution of the information system relying on open enterprise modeling standards and solutions)
(Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering - DOLCE)
(ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer - RDF SparQL client solution)
(Occurent - processual_entity)
flows to
(Node - Node)
(Liferay 7 - Metal.js)
(Upper Ontology - GIST)
(Advanced visualisation - Web Browser)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - RDF-Ext)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Assessment: About no solution combining advanced dynamic visualisation and OWL with reasonning)
(Other alternative studied solutions - Materialize 0.1)
(Plateau: demonstrators - OWL Reasoner)
(Semantic Web Services - Logic Validation e.g. identification of logic errors or inconsitency)
(Plateau: demonstrators - RDF Triple Store Server)
(Pellet - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(processual_entity - processual_context)
(Protege 5 - Ontology Editor)
(NPM - Javascript Package Manager)
(A set of commonly agreed PLM Standards must be used in you ecosystem - Requirement: PLM data must be exchangeable and preserve over the time)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - rdflib.js)
(Junction - PLM interoperability Demonstration components that can be easily industrialized as Enteprise solution components)
(ECMAScript Engine - Junction)
(COmmon Semantic MOdel - COSMO)
(Plateau: demonstrators - vis.js)
(Tom Sawyer solution - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Element 1.4 - vue v2)
(AlloyUI - Junction)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Alchemy.js)
(ArchiMate Modeling Editor - ArchiMate Collaborative Modeling Solution)
(Enterprise Modeling Community - ArchiMate Representation)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - LevelGraph)
(spatial_region - one_dimentional_region)
(Open source free solution - Junction)
(ArchiMate Representation - Enteprise Model of Reference)
(IE - Web Browser)
(GitHub Infrastructure - Git Server)
(Archi Model Repository Plugin 0.2.7 - my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format)
(node.js - Application and Web Server Engine)
(Location - Stakeholder)
(Archi file - ArchiMate model)
(Git Client - Junction)
(Protege 4&5 - Ontograph)
(Linked Organizations through Dynamic Manufacturing Network - Goal:Visual and Logic querying of Linked Enterprise Models)
(connected_temporal_region - temporal_instant)
(Advanced OWL Visualization - Advanced visualization)
(MDT Papyrus - XSD Model 2.13)
(connected_spatiotemporal_region - spatio_temporal_interval)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - sparql-spin-js3)
(Chrome - Web Browser)
(Architecting Enterprise - Goal: Mastering the evolution of the information system relying on open enterprise modeling standards and solutions)
(Semantic Web Services - Categorisation e.g. typing of individual within a classification)
(Javascript Engine - axios-archi.js)
(Continuant - Dependant_continuent)
(Linkurious - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(bootstrap.js - Metal.js)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Popoto.js)
(WEB User Interface Component - Nomadic Users)
(Application Event - Data Object)
(Distributed Enterprise Architect Team - Enterprise Collaborative Modeling)
(Gap: missing solution components - Plateau: legacy solutions)
(Path - Technology Collaboration based on open source standard)
(Suggested Upper Merged Ontology - SUMO)
(OWLAPI 4.0 - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(Horizontal Enteprise Portal - WEB User Interface Component)
(Enterprise actor - ArchiMate Model Advanced Interactive Viewer)
(Ontograph Plugin - Advanced OWL Visualization)
(ArchiMate Representation - Principle 2: Ensuring to be technical solutions and software proveders independant)
(Liferay 7 - AlloyUI)
(A set of commonly agreed PLM Standards must be used in you ecosystem - Outcome: Creation of Aeronautic Space and Defence Strategic Standardization Group)
(BFO - Occurent)
(Axios - Junction)
(Metal.js - Metal.js)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - SPARQL.js)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - stardog.js)
(Material_entity - object)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - EMF Compare 3.3.1)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - UML2.5 OMG Specifications)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - stardog http server)
(Neo4j - Graph Database)
(General Formal Ontology - GFO)
(Upper Ontology - ISO 15926)
(Popoto.js - D3.js)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - XSD Model 2.13)
(Graph Database products - Franz Allelograph)
(ECMAScript Engine - Junction)
(Upper Ontology - Basic Formal Ontology)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - EMF Ecore 2.13)
(Archi 4.0.3 - Archi Model Repository Plugin 0.2.7)
(Virtuoso SPARQL HTTP Client for Node.js - OpenLink Virtuoso)
(Franz Allelograph - Graph Database)
(DataStax Enterprise Graph - Graph Database)
(D3.js - Advanced visualisation)
(specifically_dependent_continuant - Realizable_Entity)
(Visual Modeling - ArchiMate Representation)
(Chainsaw - OWL Reasoner)
(axios-archi.js - read)
(Upper Ontology - General Formal Ontology)
(Archi file representation - ArchiMate Representations)
(Other alternative studied solutions - Foundation 6.4)
(Advanced Data Visualisation - Graph Database)
(ISO 15926 - ISO 15926 -2)
(processual_entity - process_boundary)
(PLM Collaboration - Horizontal Enteprise Portal)
(Realizable_Entity - Function)
(Firefox - Web Browser)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Zest graph viewer)
(Other alternative studied solutions - React v16)
(Chainsaw - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(Occurent - spatio-temporal_region)
(BFO - Continuant)
(spatial_region - two_dimentional_region)
(Metal.js - Junction)
(ArchiMate Modeling Editor - Enterprise Architect)
(trifid - Yet Another Sparql GUI)
(Internet - Path)
(I19: Missing or Insufficient Governance of standards - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(Application Event - Data Object)
(Upper Ontology - Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering)
(Occurent - temporal_region)
(Junction - Javascript Engine)
(Upper Ontology - Business Objects Reference Ontology)
(MDT Papyrus - OCL for UML 5.3.0)
(Architecting Enterprise - Distributed Enterprise Architect Team)
(YARN - Javascript Package Manager)
(Other alternative studied solutions - vue v2)
(spatio-temporal_region - scattered_spatiotemporal_region)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.0)
(Principle :Operational Interoperability of complex systems is to be prepared and buit - Junction)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Linked Data Fragments Client)
(Driver: PLM Harmonization - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(joint.js - Advanced visualisation)
(Deliverable - Application Component)
(Dependant_continuent - specifically_dependent_continuant)
(Upper Ontology - Suggested Upper Merged Ontology)
(spatial_region - zero_dimentional_region)
(Gap: missing solution components - Assessment: no yet ontology based on ArchiMate and limited advanced limitation)
(I19: Missing or Insufficient Governance of standards - Principle :Operational Interoperability of complex systems is to be prepared and buit)
(Archi file - Archi file representation)
(GitHub Files Configuration Management Service - Synchronisation and configuration management)
(stardog.js - stardog http server)
(Responsive Web User Interface that can be used with a collection of devices (smart phones, computers, etc.) - Junction)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Assessment: no yet ontology based on ArchiMate and limited advanced limitation)
(MDT Papyrus - UML2 5.3.0 MDT )
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Virtuoso SPARQL HTTP Client for Node.js)
(Independant_continuent - site)
(Plateau: demonstrators - UML2/SysML Modeler)
(Application Function - Application Process)
(Jambalaya - Protege 3)
(Javascript Engine at the server side - Application and Web Server Engine)
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - UML2 5.3.0 MDT )
(Archi - Zest graph viewer)
(Other alternative studied solutions - Skeleton 2)
(Pellet - OWL Reasoner)
(Gap: missing solution components - Assessment: About no solution combining advanced dynamic visualisation and OWL with reasonning)
(GitHub Infrastructure - my shared Enterprise Model Graphico format)
(Liferay 7 - Bootstrap 3)
(GitHub Infrastructure - Junction)
(De facto standard - Junction)
(PLM Collaboration - PLM Solution COTS (PDM, ERP, MES...))
(Upper Ontology - IDEAS)
(ArchiMate model - Enterprise Model)
(Archi Model Repository Plugin 0.2.7 - Synchronisation and configuration management)
(ArchiMate Model Advanced Interactive Viewer - ArchiMate model)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Linkurious)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - jsonld.js)
(Other alternative studied solutions - HTML5 Boilerplate v6)
(cola.js - Advanced visualisation)
(Plateau: demonstrators - ArchiMagine ArchiMate Advanced Viewer)
(Continuant - Independant_continuent)
(A set of commonly agreed PLM Standards must be used in you ecosystem - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(GitHub Infrastructure - Git Interface)
(ArchiMate model - ArchiMate Representations)
(Outcome: Creation of Aeronautic Space and Defence Strategic Standardization Group - Goal: Governance of PLM standards at Aerospace, Defence and Space at European Level)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - OWLAPI 5.1.2)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Protege 4&5)
(Fundational (BFO+DOLCE+GFO) - FFO)
(Graph Database products - Titan)
(Titan - Graph Database)
(connected_temporal_region - temporal_interval)
(Plateau: demonstrators - Ontology Modeler)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Neo4J Browser)
(node.js - Junction)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - N3.js)
(flows to - Business Process)
(bootstrap.js - Bootstrap 3)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - Vivagraph.js)
(Interoperability is to be prepared, i.e. organizations and people have to build a common agreement in order to prepare the proper situation for the usage of the standards. It is the reason why standards have a strategic dimension - Principle :Operational Interoperability of complex systems is to be prepared and buit)
(VOWL - Advanced OWL Visualization)
(I19: Missing or Insufficient Governance of standards - Junction)
(ArchiMate Modeling Editor - Visual Modeling )
(Papyrus configuration 3.0 Oxygen - XSD Ecore Converter 2.9.0 )
(Web Browser - Java Scritp Engine at the client side)
(Redux.js - Junction)
(stardog http server - OWL Reasoner)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - Ontograph)
(Archi Ontology in OWL representation - ArchiMate Representations)
(Plateau: legacy solutions - OWL Reasoner)
(Enter a circular economy network - TO BE Plateau)
(Government - Role played in the industry)
(Incentive for customer in take back services - Customers)
(Take back Services - Value)
(Value - Incentive for customer in take back services)
(Take back Services - Customers)
(Take back Services - Circular Product)
(Virtual Service - Circular Product)
(Business Role - Take back Services)
(Business Role - Virtual Service)
(Business Role - Virtual Service)
(Business Actor - Business Role)
(Business Collaboration 01 for - Take back Services)
(Business Collaboration 02 for - Virtual Service)
(Equipment - create)
(Equipment - use)
(Equipment - store)
(create - Material)
(use - Material)
(store - Material)
(Distribution Network - Material)
(Facility - create)
(Facility - use)
(Facility - store)
(AML.hub - Commercial Solution Providers)
(Commercial Solution Providers - taraVRBuilder)
(Commercial Solution Providers - Siemens TIA Portal V14)
(Commercial Solution Providers - COMAN)
(Commercial Solution Providers - RF::Suite)
(Commercial Solution Providers - taraVRControl)
(AutomationML e.V. - AutomationML Editor)
(AutomationML e.V. - AutomationML Engine)
(Institutes Universities - OPC UA Modeller)
(Institutes Universities - AutomationML TestCenter)
(Institutes Universities - AutomationML Export Import Mapper)
(Institutes Universities - AutomationML Analyzer)
(Institutes Universities - AutomationML Engineer for Enterprise Architect)
(Institutes Universities - CAEX Editor)
(Institutes Universities - CAEX Mapping)
(Institutes Universities - IDA System)
(Institutes Universities - CAEX Importer)
(Fraunhofer - OPC UA Modeller)
(Fraunhofer - IDA System)
(Fraunhofer - CAEX Editor)
(Fraunhofer - CAEX Importer)
(Fraunhofer - AutomationML TestCenter)
(CodePlex - AutomationML Export Import Mapper)
(Christian Doppler Laboratory TU Vienna - AutomationML Analyzer)
(IEC 62714 - Commercial Solution Providers)
(IEC 62714 - Institutes Universities)
(IEC 62714 - AutomationML e.V.)
(Fraunhofer - CAEX Mapping)
(AutomationML Engineer for Enterprise Architect - SysML4Industry)
(AutomationML Analyzer - AML OWL)
(Device - Windows)
(Windows - AutomationML Editor)
(AutomationML Engine - Windows)
(AML Meta Model ecore - SysML4Industry)
(IEC 62714 - CAEX)
(Enterprise Architect - AutomationML Engineer for Enterprise Architect)
(SysML4Industry - AML UML Profile for Enterprise Architect )
(SysML4Industry - AML SysML transformation in ATL)
(Set of representations as starting point for an extended hypermodel and for aggregation with ArchiMate - CAEX)
(Set of representations as starting point for an extended hypermodel and for aggregation with ArchiMate - AML OWL)
(Set of representations as starting point for an extended hypermodel and for aggregation with ArchiMate - AML SysML transformation in ATL)
(Set of representations as starting point for an extended hypermodel and for aggregation with ArchiMate - AML Meta Model ecore)
(Set of representations as starting point for an extended hypermodel and for aggregation with ArchiMate - AML UML Profile for Enterprise Architect )
(Eclipse Modeling - AML UML Profile for Enterprise Architect )
(Eclipse Modeling - AML Meta Model ecore)
(Eclipse Modeling - AML SysML transformation in ATL)
(JSON Schema Specifications - draft-07)
(JSON Schema Specifications - draft-handrews-json-schema-00 (core))
(JSON Schema Specifications - draft-handrews-relative-json-pointer-01)
(JSON Schema Specifications - draft-handrews-json-schema-hyperschema-01)
(JSON Schema Specifications - draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-00)
(draft-07 - draft-handrews-json-schema-hyperschema-01)
(draft-07 - draft-handrews-relative-json-pointer-01)
(draft-07 - draft-handrews-json-schema-00 (core))
(draft-07 - draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-00)
(JSON Schema meta-schema - draft-07)
(JSON Hyper-Schema meta-schema - draft-07)
(JSON Hyper-Schema Link Description Object meta-schema - draft-07)
(JSON Hyper-Schema recommended output schema - draft-07)
( - draft-handrews-json-schema-hyperschema-01)
( - draft-handrews-relative-json-pointer-01)
( - draft-handrews-json-schema-00 (core))
( - draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-00)
(JSON Schema Specifications - JSON Schema Specifications)
(JSON LD Specifications - JSON LD Specifications)
(JSON LD Specifications - JSON LD 1.0)
( - JSON LD 1.0)
(Google Knowledge Graph -
(JSON LD 1.0 - RDF)
(Trading Application: Application Component - Reporting Application:Application Component)
(complete details of all completed trades: Data Object - )
(End of the day: Application Event - )
(User interface:Application Interface - Trading Application: Application Component)
(Remote access interface: Application Interface - Trading Application: Application Component)
(Trading Application: Application Component - Managed Trades)
(complete details of all completed trades: Data Object - Managed Trades)
(Reporting Application:Application Component - Remote access interface: Application Interface)
(Remote access interface: Application Interface - Reporting Application:Application Component)
(Remote access interface: Application Interface - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service)
(Trading Application: Application Component - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service)
(Trading Application: Application Component - Remote access interface: Application Interface)
(Trading Application: Application Component - User interface:Application Interface)
(Trading Application: Application Component - management of trades:)
(User interface:Application Interface - management of trades:)
(Reporting Application:Application Component - Creating Important reports for the management:Application Service)
(Creating Important reports for the management:Application Service - complete details of all completed trades: Data Object)
(End of the day: Application Event - Reporting for management)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service - complete details of all completed trades: Data Object)
(Import of completed details of completed trades - complete details of all completed trades: Data Object)
(Application Interaction - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service)
(Application Interaction - Junction)
(Junction - Trading Application: Application Component)
(Junction - Reporting Application:Application Component)
(Application Interaction - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service)
(Reporting Application:Application Component - Import of completed details of completed trades)
(Application Interaction - Import of completed details of completed trades)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service - Import of completed details of completed trades)
(Import of completed details of completed trades - Creating Important reports for the management:Application Service)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service - Managed Trades)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Process - Application Collaboration)
(Application Collaboration - Reporting for management)
(Reporting for management - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Process)
(Reporting for management - Import of compted details of completed trades)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Process - Import of compted details of completed trades)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Process - Import of compted details of completed trades)
( - complete details of all completed trades: Data Object)
(Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Service - Export of completed details of completed trades:Application Process)
(Import of completed details of completed trades - Import of compted details of completed trades)
(End of the day: Application Event - Application Interaction)
(aRepresentation - aBusiness Object)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessActor)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessRole)
(aBusiness Object - businessProcesses)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessFunction)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessInteraction)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessEvent)
(aBusiness Object - aBusinessService)
(aBusiness Object - aContract)
(aBusiness Object - aProduct)
(aProduct - businessProcesses)
(enterpriseApplications - businessProcesses)
(businessProcesses - enterpriseApplications)
(softwareSystem - enterpriseApplications)
(hardwareSystem - softwareSystem)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessActor)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessRole)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessCollaboration)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessFunction)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessInteraction)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessEvent)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aBusinessService)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aContract)
an Enterprise develop products
(Enterprise as an organizational System - aProduct)
(Enterprise as an organizational System - businessProcesses)
IS is a set of interacting applications
(Information System - enterpriseApplications)
(ICT Infrastructure - softwareSystem)
(ICT Infrastructure - hardwareSystem)
(ICT Infrastructure - Communication Networks)
(Communication Networks - hardwareSystem)
(Information System - DataObjects)
(ICT Infrastructure - dataArtifacts)
(DataObjects - aRepresentation)
(aRepresentation - dataArtifacts)
(dataArtifacts - DataObjects)
(Libraries - Validator)
(Online - Validator)
(Command Line - Validator)
(JavaScript - Jassi)
(JavaScript - json-schema-valid )
(JavaScript - schema.js)
(JavaScript - JaySchema)
(JavaScript - is-my-json-valid )
(JavaScript - JSEN )
(JavaScript - avj)
(JavaScript - tv4 )
(JavaScript - djb)
(JavaScript - json-gate)
(JavaScript - json-schema)
(JavaScript - Skeemas)
(JavaScript - jsonSchema)
(JavaScript - direct-schema)
(JavaScript - JSV )
(JavaScript - z-schema )
(JaySchema - Libraries)
(Jassi - Libraries)
(json-schema-valid - Libraries)
(schema.js - Libraries)
(djb - Libraries)
(json-gate - Libraries)
(avj - Libraries)
(is-my-json-valid - Libraries)
(JSV - Libraries)
(tv4 - Libraries)
(json-schema - Libraries)
(direct-schema - Libraries)
(z-schema - Libraries)
(Skeemas - Libraries)
(jsonSchema - Libraries)
(JSEN - Libraries)
(Online - JSON Schema Lint)
(Online -
(Online -
(ajv-cli - Command Line)
(Polyglottal JSON Schema Validator - Command Line)
(JavaScript - json-schema-benchmark)
(JavaScript - z-schema validator benchmark)
(JavaScript - JSCK validator benchmark)
(json-schema-benchmark - Validation Benchmark)
(z-schema validator benchmark - Validation Benchmark)
(JSCK validator benchmark - Validation Benchmark)
(JavaScript - json-schema-generator )
(json-schema-generator - Schema Generation)
( - Schema Generation)
(Schema Guru Web UI - Schema Generation)
(Online - )
(Online - Schema Guru Web UI )
(Online -
(Online -
(Online - JSON Schema Lint)
(JavaScript - Alpaca Forms)
(Alpaca Forms - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Angular Schema Form)
(Angular Schema Form - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Angular2 Schema Form )
(Angular2 Schema Form - UI generation)
(JavaScript - JSON Editor)
(JSON Editor - UI generation)
(JavaScript - JSON Form)
(JSON Form - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Json Forms)
(Json Forms - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Jsonary )
(Jsonary - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Liform-react )
(Liform-react - UI generation)
(JavaScript - Metawidget)
(Metawidget - UI generation)
(JavaScript - pure-form webcomponent )
(pure-form webcomponent - UI generation)
(JavaScript - React JSON Schema Form )
(React JSON Schema Form - UI generation)
(JavaScript - React Schema Form)
(React Schema Form - UI generation)
(Liquid XML Studio 2016 - Editors)
(Visual Studio 2013 - Editors)
(JSONBuddy - Editors)
(ReSharper 2016.1 - Editors)
(Visual Studio Code - Editors)
(Online - JSONEditor Online )
(JSONEditor Online - Editors)
(Online - JSON Schema Editor )
(JSON Schema Editor - Editors)
(Online - JSON Editor)
(JSON Editor - Editors)
(Eclipse IDE - Editors)
(Java - json-schema-validator)
(Java - json-schema (implementation based on the org.json API))
(Java - json-schema-validator)
(json-schema-validator - Libraries)
(json-schema (implementation based on the org.json API) - Libraries)
(json-schema-validator - Libraries)
(Jsonary - Hyper Schema Handling)
(Python - Core API Hyper-Schema codec)
(Core API Hyper-Schema codec - Hyper Schema Handling)
(JavaScript - Matic )
(Matic - Documentation Generation)
(JavaScript - Docson )
(Docson - Documentation Generation)
(JavaScript - doca)
(doca - Documentation Generation)
(JavaScript - prmd )
(prmd - Documentation Generation)
(JavaScript - JSON Schema Compatibility)
(JSON Schema Compatibility - Compatibility)
(DJsonSchema (Delphi) - Data Parsing)
(jsonCodeGen(groovy) - Data Parsing)
(aeson-schema(haskell) - Data Parsing)
(autoparse (Ruby) - Data Parsing)
(Argus(Scala) - Data Parsing)
(json-schema-codegen(Scala) - Data Parsing)
(Bric-à-brac(Switft) - Data Parsing)
(gojsonschema(Goland) - Data Parsing)
(JavaScript - Orderly )
(Orderly - Other)
(JavaScript - Dojo )
(Dojo - Other)
(JavaScript - Schematic Ipsum)
(Schematic Ipsum - Other)
(JavaScript - JSON-Schema-Instantiator)
(JavaScript - JSON Schema Random )
(Server - Web Browser with Javascript)
(Data Object - )
(Serialized JSon - Data Object)
(Web Browser with Javascript - XML Document Proecessing with DOM)
(Java - jsckson)
(jsckson - Libraries)
(Java - everit)
(everit - Libraries)
(Java - fge)
(fge - Libraries)
(Java - netiworknt)
(netiworknt - Libraries)
(OMG'Unified Architecture Framework - IDEAS)
(Ontology foundry - BORO)
(DataType Property - Property)
(ObjectTypeProperty - Property)
(Property - Oriented Relation)
1..n typed as 0..n
(Class - Individual)
(Internet Resource with IRI - Individual)
(Internet Resource with IRI - Class)
(Internet Resource with IRI - Property)
(Inner value with an XSD datatype - Oriented Relation)
(typed Reference to an IRI - Oriented Relation)
(ObjectTypeProperty - typed Reference to an IRI)
(DataType Property - Inner value with an XSD datatype)
(Inferencing = Reification of links as reference properties - typed Reference to an IRI)
(Inferencing = Reification of links as reference properties - Inner value with an XSD datatype)
(Value Property - Property)
(Reference Property - Property)
(Part Property - Property)
(Port Property - Property)
(Association - Reference Property)
(Aggregation - Reference Property)
(Internet Resource with IRL - Internet Resource with IRI)
(Pellet - Inferencing = Reification of links as reference properties)
(Oriented Relation - Relation)
(Inverse Oriented Relation - Relation)
(Relation - End)
(End - Property)
(Value Property - Inner Elements)
(Part Property - Inner Elements)
(Object Class - Inner Elements)
(Block - Inner Elements)
(Component - Inner Elements)
(Relation Class/Block - Inner Elements)
(Oriented Relation - Oriented Relation)
(Object Instance Specification with Id - Individual)
(Value Property - DataType Property)
(ObjectTypeProperty - Reference Property)
(ART (Agile Release Train) - Agile Team)
(Agile Team - Dev Team)
(Agile Team - SCRUM Master)
(Agile Team - Product Owner)
(Product - ART (Agile Release Train))
(Business Owner - Product)
(Ensuring Governance, Compliance and ROI of the Product - )
(Business Owner - Ensuring Governance, Compliance and ROI of the Product)
associated to 1 or several ART
(Capability - ART (Agile Release Train))
(CoPs - Technical -Business Domain)
(Epic Owner - Epic)
(Analysis - Epic)
(Minimum Viable Product - Epic)
(Lean Business Case - Epic)
(Block - Theano)
(Lasagne - Theano)
(Keras - Theano)
(Python - Theano)
(Python - Keras)
(Python - Block)
(Python - Lasagne)
(Tensor Flow - Python)
(Tensor Flow - C/C++)
(Google - Tensor Flow)
(Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms - Theano)
(Facebook - Torch7)
(Lua - Torch7)
(Caffe - Python)
(Caffe - C/C++)
(Caffe - matlab)
(Caffe - MachineVision)
(Caffe2 - Python)
(Caffe2 - C/C++)
(Facebook - Caffe2)
(Paddle - C/C++)
(Paddle - predicting click-through rates)
(Paddle - classifying images)
(Paddle - optical character recognition)
(Paddle - ranking search result)
(Paddle - detecting computer viruses)
(Merlin - Julia)
(Merlin - natural language processing)
(Nervana Systems - Neon)
(Neon - Python)
(Neon - SaaS)
(Deeplearning4j - Spark)
(Spark - large matrix operations)
(Java - Scala)
(Deeplearning4j - Java)
(Deeplearning4j - Scala)
(Skymind - Deeplearning4j)
(Microsoft - CogNitiveToolKit)
(CogNitiveToolKit - C/C++)
(CogNitiveToolKit - Python)
(CogNitiveToolKit - C#)
(Preferred Network - Chainer)
(Chainer - C/C++)
(Chainer - Python)
(Amazon - DSSTNE)
(Carnegie Mellon University - Dynet)
(MxNet - C/C++)
(MxNet - Python)
(MxNet - Julia)
(MxNet - R)
(Amazon - MxNet)
(Apache SINGA - C/C++)
(National University of Singapore - Apache SINGA)
(Kaldi - speech recognition)
(MatConvNet - matlab)
(MatConvNet - MachineVision)
(Char rnn - Torch7)
(BAIDU - paddle paddle)
(Stanford University - convnet.js)
(Swiss artificial intelligence lab Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) - Brainstorm)
(Brainstorm - Python)
(DSSTNE - C/C++)
(h2o - Java)
(Princeton University’s Vision Group - Marvin)
(Marvin - C/C++)
(OpenAI - Deep Learning)
(Dynet - Deep Learning)
(SoooA - Deep Learning)
(DSSTNE - Deep Learning)
(Neon - Deep Learning)
(matconvnet - Deep Learning)
(Torch7 - Deep Learning)
(Char rnn - Deep Learning)
(Spark - Deep Learning)
(cuda convnet - Deep Learning)
(Leaf - Deep Learning)
(Apache Spark MLib - Deep Learning)
(Merlin - Deep Learning)
(convnet.js - Deep Learning)
(Kaldi - Deep Learning)
(Brainstorm - Deep Learning)
(Marvin - Deep Learning)
(Chainer - Deep Learning)
(Apache SINGA - Deep Learning)
(paddle paddle - Deep Learning)
(Apache Mahout - Deep Learning)
(Caffe - Deep Learning)
(MxNet - Deep Learning)
(Infer.NET - Deep Learning)
(Deeplearning4j - Deep Learning)
(Scikit Learn - )
(h2o - Deep Learning)
(CogNitiveToolKit - Deep Learning)
(Paddle - Deep Learning)
(ONNX Community Project - Microsoft)
(ONNX Community Project - Facebook)
(ONNX Community Project - CogNitiveToolKit)
(ONNX Community Project - Caffe2)
(ONNX Community Project - MxNet)
(Pytorch - Python)
(Pytorch - Pytorch consortium)
(ONNX Community Project - Pytorch consortium)
(Gap - AS IS:Plateau)
(Gap - TO BE: Plateau)
(Gap - Project:Work Package)
(AS IS:Plateau - Business Model)
(AS IS:Plateau - IS Model)
(AS IS:Plateau - Grouping)
(BI Plarform - Analytics)
(Data Analyst Platform - Analytics)
(Data Science Platform - Analytics)
(Data service - Analytics)
(Statistical computing - Analytics)
(Web/Mobile/Commerce analytics - Analytics)
(Log Analytics - Analytics)
(Machine Leanrning - Analytics)
(Vertical analytics - Analytics)
(Horizontal AI - Analytics)
(Speech & NLP - Analytics)
(Search - Analytics)
(Social analytics - Analytics)
(Visualization - Analytics)
(Maana - Search)
(NoSQL Database - Infrastructure)
(MarkLogic - NoSQL Database)
(Palantir - Data service)
(SolR - Search)
(ElasticSearch - Search)
(Lucene - Search)
(Vmware - Cross Infrastructure/analytics)
(Tibco - Cross Infrastructure/analytics)
(Teradata - Cross Infrastructure/analytics)
(Data Access - Open Source)
(MongoDB - Data Access)
(HBase - Data Access)
(CouchDB - Data Access)
(Cassandra - Data Access)
(Pentaho - Data Analyst Platform)
(Data Transformation - Infrastructure)
(Pentaho - Data Transformation)
(Framework - Open Source)
(YARN - Framework)
(HDFS - Framework)
(Spark - Framework)
(MapReduce - Framework)
(GraphDatabase - Infrastructure)
(Neo4j - GraphDatabase)
(Giraph - GraphDatabase)
(GraphDB - GraphDatabase)
(IBM Graph - GraphDatabase)
(OrientDB - GraphDatabase)
(ElasticSearch - Log Analytics)
(Enterprise architect - Modelio)
(Modelio - Modelio ArchiMate plugin)
(Visio - Visio Stencils)
(lucid chart - Visio Stencils)
(ONNX Community Project - Preferred Network)
(ONNX Community Project - Chainer)
(ONNX Community Project - Amazon)
(ONNX CoreML translator - ONNX Community Project)
(Core ML - Apple)
(ONNX CoreML translator - Core ML)
(ONNX Community Project - ONNX Tensor Flow translator)
(ONNX Tensor Flow translator - Tensor Flow)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 07 - Data Storage and Retrieval)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 17 - Consuming a RESTful API)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 21 - Building a Microservice)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 02 - Setting up Node2.js)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 13 - Building a Typical Web API)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 16 - Implementing a Full Fledged RESTful Service)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 19 - The Age of Microservices)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 22 - State)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 18 - Securing the Application)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 03 - Node.js Modules)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 11 - Unit Testing and Functional Testing)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 08 - Multiuser Authentication the Microservice Way)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 24 - Design Patterns)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 12 - REST – What You Did Not Know)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 10 - Deploying Node.js Applications)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 14 - Using NoSQL Databases)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 23 - Testing)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 04 - HTTP Servers and Clients )
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 15 - Restful API Design Guidelines)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 20 - Modules and Toolkits)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 09 - Dynamic Client/Server Interaction with Socket.IO)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 01- About Node1.js)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 05 - Your First Expre5ss Application)
(Node.js complete reference guide - Chapter 06 - Implementing the Mobile-Fi6rst Paradigm)
(web application frameworks - Express)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - Embracing advances in the JavaScript language)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - Node.js, the microservice architecture, and easily testable systems)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - Node.js and the Twelve-Factor app model)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - Threaded versus event-driven architecture)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - Why should you use Node.js?)
(Chapter 01- About Node1.js - The capabilities of Node.js)
(The capabilities of Node.js - Embracing advances in the JavaScript language)
(Embracing advances in the JavaScript language - Deploying ES2015/2016/2017/2018 JavaScript code)
(The capabilities of Node.js - Node.js and the Twelve-Factor app model)
(The capabilities of Node.js - Node.js, the microservice architecture, and easily testable systems)
(The capabilities of Node.js - Server-side JavaScript)
(Graph Visualization Javascripts - vis.js)
(vis.js - Advanced Graph Visualisation)
(Which technology for building user interfaces as HTML ? - React v16)
(Express - Application and Web Server Engine)
(node.js - Javascript Engine at the server side)
(Considered standardized realization languages - Javascript)
(Considered standardized realization languages - UML2/SySM)
(Considered standardized realization languages - ArchiMate Representation)
(Considered standardized realization languages - JSON)
(Considered standardized realization languages - SVG)
(Considered standardized realization languages - OWL)
(Considered standardized realization languages - XML)
(Considered standardized realization languages - RDF)
(Oriented Relation - Relation)
(Inverse Oriented Relation - Relation)
(Relation Class/Block - Relation)
(Object Class - Inner Elements)
(Block - Inner Elements)
(Component - Inner Elements)
(Inner Elements - Relation Class/Block)
(Link i.e. Relation instance with Id - Relation Class/Block)
(Object Class - Class)
(Grouping - Object Class)
(Grouping - Block)
(Grouping - Component)
(Grouping - Class)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Tom Sawyer)
(RDFSchema - GraphDB)
(OWL 2 RL - GraphDB)
(COMPOSE - JanusGraph)
(SQL - Azure Microsoft Cosmos DB)
(SQL Gremlin - Gremlin)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Azure Microsoft Cosmos DB)
(GraphQL - Topbraid)
(OpenCypher - Memgraph)
(SHACL - Topbraid)
(Gizmo - Gremlin)
(OpenCypher - SAP Hana Graph)
(RDF 1.1 - JENA)
(SparQL 1.1 - JENA)
(GQL - SAP Hana Graph)
(GQL - Apache Tinkerpop 3.3)
(Prolog - Allelograph)
(JSON LD - Cayleygraph)
(OntoText - GraphDB)
(SKOS - RDF 1.1)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Neo4j)
(JanusGraph - Oracle Bekerley DB)
(OpenCypher - Neo4j)
(Cypher - AgensGraph 2.0)
(SKOSCORE - Oracle Spatial & Graph)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - JanusGraph)
(SparQL 1.1 - Stardog)
(RDF 1.1 - Openlink Virtuoso)
(RDF* - Anzograph DB)
(OWL2 - OWL 2 RL)
(RDF 1.1 - Stardog)
(RDF 1.1 - Garlic4Store)
(SparQL 1.1 - Topbraid)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Linkurious)
(SparQL* - Anzograph DB)
(RDFS++ - Allelograph)
(ArangoDB - AQL)
(GraphQL - ArangoDB)
(SparQL 1.1 - Garlic4Store)
(SWRL - RDFSchema)
(OpenCypher - Anzograph DB)
(RDB2RDF Direct - SQL)
(GQL - Apache Spark)
(RDF 1.1 - MarkLogic)
(GQL - Oracle Spatial & Graph)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Gremlin)
(RDF 1.1 - Amazon Neptune)
(Gremlin - SPARQL Gremlin)
(Ogre - Gremlin)
(SparQL 1.1 - Openlink Virtuoso)
(GQL - Redis Labs)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Keylines)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Stardog)
(SparQL 1.1 - RDF4J 3.0.3)
(GraphQL - Cayleygraph)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - DSE Graph Datastax)
(OpenCypher - Morpheus (older CAPS))
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Titan)
(OpenCypher - Morpheus (older CAPS))
(PostgreSQL - AgensGraph 2.0)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - Amazon Neptune)
(SPIN - Topbraid)
(OWL2 - OWL2 QL)
(SparQL 1.1 - Amazon Neptune)
(GQL - TigerGraph)
(GSQL - TigerGraph)
(RDF 1.1 - Cayleygraph)
(GQL - PostgreSQL)
(COMPOSE - RethinkDB)
(Cypher - Memgraph)
(RDF 1.1 - RDF4J 3.0.3)
(GQL - Neo4j)
(GQL - Anzograph DB)
(SPASQL - SparQL 1.1)
(ShEX - RDFSchema)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - GRAKN.AI)
(RDF 1.1 - GraphDB)
(Gremlin - Amazon Neptune)
(SparQL 1.1 - GraphDB)
(OWL2 - Stardog)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - OrientDB)
(RDB2RDF Direct - RDFSchema)
(OWL2 QL - GraphDB)
(SparQL 1.1 - OrientDB)
(OpenCypher - Redis Graph)
(Apache Tinkerpop 3.3 - COMPOSE)
(JanusGraph - HBASE)
(SQL - PostgreSQL)
(Cayleygraph - PostgreSQL)
(Gizmo - Cayleygraph)
(OpenCypher - Cypher)
(JanusGraph - Cassandra)
(Neo4j - Cypher)
(RDFS++ - Oracle Spatial & Graph)
(SparQL 1.1 - MarkLogic)
(GQL - ArangoDB)
(SQL - Oracle Bekerley DB)
- ArchiMate
- Interoperability
- Relations Testing
- RDF Javascript
- Graphico
- GraphDatabase and Advanced Visualisation
- plm-interop
- UI with Javascript and CSS
- Javascript Devops platform components
- All the viewpoints
- Whole-Part
- Semantic
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Circular Econonomy Network
- AutomationML
- JSON technologies for data exchange
- Quiz
- Safe
- Deep Learning
- Bigdata
- ArchiMate solutions
- Node.js complete reference guide
- Chapter 01- About Node.js
- The capabilities of Node.js
- Server-side JavaScript
- Embracing advances in the JavaScript language
- Deploying ES2015/2016/2017/2018 JavaScript code
- Node.js, the microservice architecture, and easily testable systems
- Node.js and the Twelve-Factor app model
- Summary
- The capabilities of node.js
- Why should you use Node.js?
- Popularity
- JavaScript at all levels of the stack
- Leveraging Google's investment in V8
- Leaner, asynchronous, event-driven model
- Microservice architecture
- Node.js is stronger for having survived a major schism and hostile fork
- Threaded versus event-driven architecture
- Performance and utilization
- Is Node.js a cancerous scalability disaster?
- Server utilization, the business bottom line, and green web hosting
- Embracing advances in the JavaScript language
- Node.js, the microservice architecture, and easily testable systems
- Node.js and the Twelve-Factor app model
- Summary
- Chapter 01
- Chapter 02 - Setting up Node.js
- System requirements
- Installing Node.js using package managers
- Installing on macOS with MacPorts
- Installing on macOS with Homebrew
- Installing on Linux, *BSD, or Windows from package management systems
- Installing Node.js in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Opening an administrator-privileged PowerShell on Windows
- Installing the Node.js distribution from
- Installing from source on POSIX-like systems
- Installing prerequisites
- Installing developer tools on macOS
- Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems
- Installing from source on Windows
- Installing multiple Node.js instances with nvm
- Installing nvm on Windows
- Native code modules and node-gyp
- Node.js versions policy and what to use
- Editors and debuggers
- Running and testing commands
- Node.js's command-line tools
- Running a simple script with Node.js
- Conversion to async functions and the Promise paradigm
- Launching a server with Node.js
- NPM – the Node.js package manager
- Node.js, ECMAScript 2015/2016/2017, and beyond
- Using Babel to use experimental JavaScript features
- Conclusion
- Chapter 03 - Node.js Modules
- Defining a module
- CommonJS and ES2015 module formats
- CommonJS/Node.js module format
- ES6 module format
- JSON modules
- Supporting ES6 modules on older Node.js versions
- Demonstrating module-level encapsulation
- Finding and loading CommonJS and JSON modules using require
- File modules
- Module identifiers and pathnames
- An example of application directory structure
- Finding and loading ES6 modules using import
- Hybrid CommonJS/Node.js/ES6 module scenarios
- Dynamic imports with import()
- The import.meta feature
- npm - the Node.js package management system
- Installing an npm package
- Installing a package by version number
- Global package installs
- Avoiding global module installation
- Finding npm packages
- Other fields in the package.json can be viewed by simply giving the desired tag name.
- The npm package format
- Maintaining package dependencies with npm
- Automatically updating package.json dependencies
- Fixing bugs by updating package dependencies
- Packages that install commands
- Configuring the PATH variable to handle commands installed by modules
- Configuring the PATH variable on Windows
- Avoiding modifications to the PATH variable
- Updating outdated packages you've installed
- Installing packages from outside the npm repository
- Initializing a new npm package
- Declaring Node.js version compatibility
- Publishing an npm package
- Explicitly specifying package dependency version numbers
- The Yarn package management system
- Summary
- Chapter 04 - HTTP Servers and Clients
- Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- JavaScript classes and class inheritance
- The EventEmitter Class
- The EventEmitter theory
- HTTP server applications
- ES2015 multiline and template strings
- HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- Web application frameworks
- Getting started with Express
- Setting environment variables in Windows cmd.exe command line
- Walking through the default Express application
- The Express middleware
- Middleware and request paths
- Error handling
- Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with an Express application
- Computationally intensive code and the Node.js event loop
- Making HTTP Client requests
- Calling a REST backend service from an Express application
- Implementing a simple REST server with Express
- Refactoring the Fibonacci application for REST
- Some RESTful modules and frameworks
- Summary
- Chapter 05 - Your First Express Application
- Promises, async functions, and Express router functions
- Promises and error handling
- Flattening our asynchronous code
- Promises and generators birthed async functions
- Express and the MVC paradigm
- Creating the Notes application
- Your first Notes model
- Understanding ES-2015 class definitions
- Filling out the in-memory Notes model
- The Notes home page
- Adding a new note – create
- Viewing notes – read
- Editing an existing note – update
- Deleting notes – destroy
- Theming your Express application
- Scaling up – running multiple Notes instances
- Summary
- Chapter 06 - Implementing the Mobile-First Paradigm
- Problem – the Notes app isn't mobile friendly
- Mobile-first paradigm
- Using Twitter Bootstrap on the Notes application
- Setting it up
- Adding Bootstrap to application templates
- Alternative layout frameworks
- Flexbox and CSS Grids
- Mobile-first design for the Notes application
- Laying the Bootstrap grid foundation
- Responsive page structure for the Notes
- Using icon libraries and improving visual appea
- Responsive page header navigation bar
- Improving the Notes list on the front page
- Cleaning up the Note viewing experience
- Cleaning up the add/edit note form
- Cleaning up the delete-note window
- Building a customized Bootstrap
- Pre-built custom Bootstrap themes
- Summary
- Chapter 07 - Data Storage and Retrieval
- Data storage and asynchronous code
- Logging
- Request logging with Morgan
- Debugging messages
- Capturing stdout and stderr
- Uncaught exceptions
- Unhandled Promise rejections
- Using the ES6 module format
- Rewriting app.js as an ES6 module
- Rewriting bin/www as an ES6 module
- Rewriting models code as ES6 modules
- Rewriting router modules as ES6 modules
- Storing notes in the filesystem
- Dynamic import of ES6 modules
- Running the Notes application with filesystem storage
- Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- Storing notes in SQL with SQLite3
- SQLite3 database schema
- SQLite3 model code
- Running Notes with SQLite3
- Storing notes the ORM way with Sequelize
- Sequelize model for the Notes application
- onfiguring a Sequelize database connection
- Running the Notes application with Sequelize
- Storing notes in MongoDB
- MongoDB model for the Notes application
- Running the Notes application with MongoDB
- Summary
- Chapter 08 - Multiuser Authentication the Microservice Way
- Creating a user information microservice
- User information model
- A REST server for user information
- Scripts to test and administer the user authentication server
- Login support for the Notes application
- Accessing the user authentication REST API
- Login and logout routing functions
- Login/logout changes to app.js
- Login/logout changes in routes/index.mjs
- Login/logout changes required in routes/notes.mjs
- View template changes supporting login/logout
- Running the Notes application with user authentication
- Twitter login support for the Notes application
- Registering an application with Twitter
- Implementing TwitterStrategy
- The Notes application stack
- Securely keeping secrets and passwords
- Summary
- Chapter 09 - Dynamic Client/Server Interaction with Socket.IO
- Introducing Socket.IO
- Initializing Socket.IO with Express
- Real-time updates on the Notes
- The Notes model as an EventEmitter class
- Real-time changes in the Notes home page
- Changing the homepage and layout templates
- Running Notes with real-time homepage updates
- Real-time action while viewing notes
- Changing the note view template for real-time action
- Running Notes with real-time updates while viewing a note
- Inter-user chat and commenting for Notes
- Data model for storing messages
- dding messages to the Notes router
- Changing the note view template for messages
- Using a Modal window to compose messages
- Sending, displaying, and deleting messages
- Running Notes and passing messages
- Other applications of Modal windows
- Summary
- Chapter 10 - Deploying Node.js Applications
- Notes application architecture and deployment considerations
- Traditional Linux Node.js service deployment
- Prerequisite – provisioning the databases
- Installing Node.js on Ubuntu
- Setting up Notes and user authentication on the server
- Adjusting Twitter authentication to work on the
- etting up PM2 to manage Node.js processes
- Node.js microservice deployment with Docker
- Installing Docker on your laptop
- Starting Docker with Docker for Windows/macOS
- Kicking the tires of Docker
- Creating the AuthNet for the user authentication service
- MySQL container for Docker
- Initializing AuthNet
- Script execution on Windows
- Linking Docker containers
- The db-userauth container
- Dockerfile for the authentication service
- Configuring the authentication service for Docker
- Building and running the authentication service Docker container
- Exploring Authnet
- Creating FrontNet for the Notes application
- MySQL container for the Notes application
- Dockerizing the Notes application
- Controlling the location of MySQL data volumes
- Controlling the location of MySQL data volumes
- Docker deployment of background services
- Deploying to the cloud with Docker compose
- Deploying to cloud hosting with Docker compose
- Deploying to the cloud with Docker compose
- Docker compose files
- Running the Notes application with Docker compose
- Deploying to cloud hosting with Docker compose
- Summary
- Chapter 11 - Unit Testing and Functional Testing
- Assert – the basis of testing methodologies
- Testing a Notes model
- Mocha and Chai – the chosen test tools
- Mocha and Chai – the chosen test tools
- Configuring and running tests
- More tests for the Notes model
- Testing database models
- Using Docker to manage test infrastructure
- Docker Compose to orchestrate test infrastructure
- Executing tests under Docker Compose
- MongoDB setup under Docker and testing Notes against MongoDB
- Testing REST backend services
- Automating test results reporting
- Frontend headless browser testing with Puppeteer
- Setting up Puppeteer
- Improving testability in the Notes UI
- Puppeteer test script for Notes
- Running the login scenario
- The Add Note scenario
- Mitigating/preventing spurious test errors in Puppeteer scripts
- Configuring timeouts
- Tracing events on the Page and the Puppeteer
- Inserting pauses
- Avoiding WebSockets conflicts
- Taking screenshots
- Summary
- Chapter 12 - REST – What You Did Not Know
- REST fundamentals
- Principle 1 – Everything is a resource
- Principle 2 – Each resource is identifiable by a unique identifier
- Principle 3 – Manipulate resources via standard HTTP methods
- Principle 4 – Resources can have multiple representations
- Principle 5 – Communicate with resources in a stateless manner
- The REST goals
- Separation of the representation and the resource
- Visibility
- Reliability
- Scalability and performance
- Working with WADL
- Documenting RESTful APIs with Swagger
- Taking advantage of the existing infrastructure
- Summary
- Chapter 13 - Building a Typical Web API
- Specifying the API
- Implementing routes
- Querying the API using test data
- Content negotiation
- API versioning
- Self-test questions
- Summary
- Chapter 14 - Using NoSQL Databases
- MongoDB – a document store database
- Database modeling with Mongoose
- Testing a Mongoose model with Mocha
- Creating a user-defined model around a Mongoose model
- Wiring up a NoSQL database module to Express
- Self-test questions
- Summary
- Chapter 15 - Restful API Design Guidelines
- Endpoint URLs and HTTP status codes best practices
- Extensibility and versioning
- Linked data
- Summary
- Chapter 16 - Implementing a Full Fledged RESTful Service
- Working with arbitrary data
- Linking
- Implementing paging and filtering
- Caching
- Supplying the Cache-Control header in Express applications
- Discovering and exploring RESTful services
- Summary
- Chapter 17 - Consuming a RESTful API
- Consuming RESTful services with jQuery
- Troubleshooting and identifying problems on the wire
- Cross Origin Resource Sharing
- Content Delivery Networks
- Handling HTTP status codes on the client side
- Summary
- Chapter 18 - Securing the Application
- Authentication
- Basic authentication
- Passport
- Passport's basic authentication strategy
- Passport's OAuth Strategy
- Passport's third-party authentication strategies
- Authorization
- Transport layer security
- Summary
- Chapter 19 - The Age of Microservices
- From monolith to microservices
- Patterns of microservices
- Decomposable
- Autonomous
- Scalable
- Communicable
- Summary
- Chapter 20 - Modules and Toolkits
- Chapter 21 - Building a Microservice
- Using Hydra
- Using Seneca
- Summary
- Chapter 22 - State
- State
- Storing state
- RethinkDB
- Redis
- Conclusion
- Security
- Summary
- Chapter 23 - Testing
- Integrating tests
- Using chai
- Adding code coverage
- Covering all code
- Mocking our services
- Summary
- Chapter 24 - Design Patterns
- Choosing patterns
- Architectural patterns
- Front Controller
- Layered
- Service Locator
- Observer
- Publish-Subscribe
- Using patterns
- Planning your microservice
- Obstacles when developing
- Summary
- Node.js complete reference guide
- Graph Related Technologies
- Working View
- Generated views