Global Arms Sales
UI update by gigamaster for Codemo
This Visualisation shows global arms transfers from 1950-2017.
It was heavily inspired by this Video by Will Geary's (@wgeary) - https://vimeo.com/286751571
Since I wanted to see how other countries that are known to be large arms-exporters would look in such an
animation, I decided to create an interactive version in which you can select any countries you want to be
The dataset was retrieved from SIPRI - the Stockholm International Peace Research Institue. - https://www.sipri.org/databases/armstransfers
The SVG world map was retrieved from AMCharts at https://www.amcharts.com/svg-maps/?map=world
If you have a suggestion or found a bug feel free to open an issue on the GitHub Repo.
Cleaned dataset by removing:
- All deals where Supplier or Recipient is unknown.
- All deals which had multiple sellers without specification which.
- Deals with the UN, NATO, Regional Security System (RSSS), OSCE & African Union as seller or buyer
Consolidating the following groups:
- Amal (Lebanon)* -> Lebanon
- ANC (South Africa)* -> South Africa
- Anti-Castro rebels (Cuba)* -> Cuba
- Armas (Guatemala) -> Guatemala
- Biafra -> Nigeria
- contras (Nicaragua)* -> Nicaragua
- El Salvador (FMLN) -> El Salvador
- ELF (Ethiopia)* -> Ethiopia
- FNLA (Angola)* -> Angola
- GUNT (Chad)* -> Chad
- Haiti Rebels -> Haiti
- Hezbollah (Lebanon)* -> Lebanon
- Huthi rebels (Yemen)* -> Yemen
- Indonesia Rebels -> Indonesia
- Khmer Rouge (Cambodia)* -> Cambodia
- Lebanon Palestinian rebels* -> Lebanon
- LF (Lebanon)* -> Lebanon
- libya GNC -> Libya
- Libya HoR -> Libya
- LTTE (Sri Lanka)* -> Sri Lanka
- Macedonia (FYROM) -> Macedonia
- MTA (Myanmar)* -> Myanmar
- Mujahedin (Afghanistan)* -> Afghanistan
- Northern Alliance (Afghanistan)* -> Afghanistan
- Northern Cyprus -> Cyprus
- SLA (Lebanon)* -> Lebanon
- SNA (Somalia)* -> Somalia
- Southern rebels (Yemen)* -> Yemen
- Soviet Union -> Russia
- Syria Rebels -> Syria
- UIC (Somalia)* -> Somalia
- Ukraine Rebels* -> Ukraine
- UNITA (Angola)* -> Angola
- Viet Cong -> Vietnam
- Viet Minh -> Vietnam
- Viet Nam -> Vietnam
- ZAPU -> Zimbabwe
* Other plugins used
- Color Picker - https://bgrins.github.io/spectrum/ by bgrins
- jQuery