Capability 1.3 - Validity of data ()
Capability 1.3 - Validity of data
G. Integrity in the business document exchange
1.3.1 Access to a digital business documents validation services that check that necessary contents are present and used codes etc. are correct
Business systems
1.3.2 Insist that the digital business document stays entirely unchanged for both the originator and the receiver (meaning that exactly the same physical document must be found on both sides on request) in order to make sure that a voucher is only used once. This enables automated checks (based on hash calculations)
H. Integrity by not having to exchange documents
1.3.3 Enforce a system where sales documents are not sent at all, but stored in one place and being referenced. Eliminates the challenges of having two different copies at each end
1.3.4 Legal changes to remove the need to store and archive copies of vouchers
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business
1.3.5 Access to a service that checks the validity of a bank account number against the company number
1.3.8 Access to a service that checks that trading partners really exist before sending documents (is registered in business registries)
1.3.9 Access to a service that provides a warning function related to well known "fraud companies" or the bank account number that is used could also be relevant.
1.3.6 Access to a service that checks for VAT-registration
1.3.7 Access to a service that checks the “seriousness” of a company, e.g. are taxes paid etc.
1.3.10 Implement warning services for suspicious events (B2B)
1. Use of digital business documents
4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Check seriousness
Check business registration
Check VAT registration
Validate bank account
Integrity check of business document
Check known fraudent actors
Tax authoritiy
Customer (Buyer)
G. Integrity in the business document exchange 1.3.1 Access to a digital business documents validation services that check that necessary contents are present and used codes etc. are correct
G. Integrity in the business document exchange 1.3.2 Insist that the digital business document stays entirely unchanged for both the originator and the receiver (meaning that exactly the same physical document must be found on both sides on request) in order to make sure that a voucher is only used once. This enables automated checks (based on hash calculations)
Business systems 1.3.1 Access to a digital business documents validation services that check that necessary contents are present and used codes etc. are correct
Business systems G. Integrity in the business document exchange
Regulators 1.3.2 Insist that the digital business document stays entirely unchanged for both the originator and the receiver (meaning that exactly the same physical document must be found on both sides on request) in order to make sure that a voucher is only used once. This enables automated checks (based on hash calculations)
Regulators G. Integrity in the business document exchange
H. Integrity by not having to exchange documents 1.3.3 Enforce a system where sales documents are not sent at all, but stored in one place and being referenced. Eliminates the challenges of having two different copies at each end
H. Integrity by not having to exchange documents 1.3.4 Legal changes to remove the need to store and archive copies of vouchers
Regulators 1.3.3 Enforce a system where sales documents are not sent at all, but stored in one place and being referenced. Eliminates the challenges of having two different copies at each end
Regulators H. Integrity by not having to exchange documents
Regulators 1.3.4 Legal changes to remove the need to store and archive copies of vouchers
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.5 Access to a service that checks the validity of a bank account number against the company number
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.8 Access to a service that checks that trading partners really exist before sending documents (is registered in business registries)
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.9 Access to a service that provides a warning function related to well known "fraud companies" or the bank account number that is used could also be relevant.
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.10 Implement warning services for suspicious events (B2B)
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.6 Access to a service that checks for VAT-registration
I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business 1.3.7 Access to a service that checks the “seriousness” of a company, e.g. are taxes paid etc.
Regulators I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business
Regulators 1.3.5 Access to a service that checks the validity of a bank account number against the company number
Regulators 1.3.6 Access to a service that checks for VAT-registration
Regulators 1.3.7 Access to a service that checks the “seriousness” of a company, e.g. are taxes paid etc.
Regulators 1.3.8 Access to a service that checks that trading partners really exist before sending documents (is registered in business registries)
4.2 Compliance confirmation services G. Integrity in the business document exchange
4.2 Compliance confirmation services H. Integrity by not having to exchange documents
4.2 Compliance confirmation services I. Trust services that enable and increase secure business
Check seriousness 4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Check business registration 4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Check business registration Customer (Buyer)
Check VAT registration 4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Validate bank account 4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Validate bank account Customer (Buyer)
Integrity check of business document 4.2 Compliance confirmation services
Integrity check of business document Tax authoritiy
Integrity check of business document Customer (Buyer)
Check known fraudent actors 4.2 Compliance confirmation services