User Principles ()
User Principles
NSG User Principles
The Government gives me feedback and assures me when everything is OK
What is "control"?
Digitisition of transaction information
Machine-readable transaction-data is an asset
EU Directive on Business Secrets
The MyData-movement
The subjects have an interest in how information concerning themselves is handled
I never manually enter information that is already maintained digitally by the producers, vendors or the government [TOOP]
I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business
Self determination
If someone offers me a better deal or improved service, migrating to new service providers for services like book-keeping, inventory, reporting etc is just as easy as changing operator for my cell phone
Data should be collected from the systems controlled by the SME, not from the raw transactions [Abelia]
When I buy and sell goods and services I don't need to make any special arrangements when my trade-partners are in another Nordic country
Ability/means to react on information
I rarely perform manual steps related to inventory, book-keeping, bank-transactions, VAT- and other government reporting etc, unless I choose to verify the proposals from my systems
SME's must be able to use the data in other ways, share it with whom they choose themselves, move to other ERP-vendors, buy add-ons from other vendors
The level of digitisation and automation whitin the different Nordic Countries should not lead to cross-border business becoming more difficult
The Nordic Region as the best integrated region in the world
SME's should be confident that the data they put into their ERP-systems will be available to themselves, but not available to others unless they consent or they have a clear legal basis
Requires that all transaction data are available digitally and structured, that the Government ensures the relevant regulation is co-ordinated and clear, and that the systems incorporates the regulation and learn from earlier transactions
Digitisition of transaction information Machine-readable transaction-data is an asset
Machine-readable transaction-data is an asset I never manually enter information that is already maintained digitally by the producers, vendors or the government [TOOP]
GDPR The subjects have an interest in how information concerning themselves is handled
EU Directive on Business Secrets The subjects have an interest in how information concerning themselves is handled
The MyData-movement The subjects have an interest in how information concerning themselves is handled
The subjects have an interest in how information concerning themselves is handled I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business
I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business Data should be collected from the systems controlled by the SME, not from the raw transactions [Abelia]
I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business SME's should be confident that the data they put into their ERP-systems will be available to themselves, but not available to others unless they consent or they have a clear legal basis
I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business SME's must be able to use the data in other ways, share it with whom they choose themselves, move to other ERP-vendors, buy add-ons from other vendors
Self determination Control
Information Control
When I buy and sell goods and services I don't need to make any special arrangements when my trade-partners are in another Nordic country The level of digitisation and automation whitin the different Nordic Countries should not lead to cross-border business becoming more difficult
Ability/means to react on information Information
I rarely perform manual steps related to inventory, book-keeping, bank-transactions, VAT- and other government reporting etc, unless I choose to verify the proposals from my systems Requires that all transaction data are available digitally and structured, that the Government ensures the relevant regulation is co-ordinated and clear, and that the systems incorporates the regulation and learn from earlier transactions
The Nordic Region as the best integrated region in the world When I buy and sell goods and services I don't need to make any special arrangements when my trade-partners are in another Nordic country