Capabilities requirement mapping ()
Capabilities requirement mapping
1.1 Adoption of digital business documents
1.4 Standardisation of eReceipts
WP1 Architecture principles
Build on open standards
Use clearly defined, global semantics
Protect user data
Built to evolve
Favor imperfect existing standards over perfect custom standards
Enforce data portability
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook
1.1.1 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Invoices must be retrieved digitally]
1.1.2 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Bank account statement must be digitally]
1.1.5 All the general fields of eOrders are defined and mapped according a chosen standard. [i.e. Orders must be standardized with clear semantics]
1.1.3. Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Orders must be digitally]
The information must be represented in a generic and system-independent way to record all of the details in any kind of ledger and bookkeeping
Capture product information
WP4 Capabilities needed of the reference implementation
Financial reports must be available for lookup [use case 6]
Financial raw data must be available for lookup [variants 1-8]
Financial reports must be aggregated over dimentions like products, clients, suppliers, countries, locations, qualities, quantities.
Quality capabilities
3.4 High avaliability
Authorisation and access control
User consent for B2B sharing
2.2. Manage change and deviations (was: Correctness incl. error detection and correction)
5.2 Keeping the data safe (integrity and ownership)
3.3 Adressing
Authentication SBB
Authorization/power of mandates SBB
Business systems
Users consent SBB
Infrastructure for document exchange SBB
Infrastructure for document exchange SBB
Adressing SBB
Business systems
Standardized access (APIs)
Business systems
WP1 User principles
I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business
I never manually enter information that is already maintained digitally by the producers, vendors or the government [TOOP]
I rarely perform manual steps related to inventory, book-keeping, bank-transactions, VAT- and other government reporting etc, unless I choose to verify the proposals from my systems
If someone offers me a better deal or improved service, migrating to new service providers for services like book-keeping, inventory, reporting etc is just as easy as changing operator for my cell phone
When I buy and sell goods and services I don't need to make any special arrangements when my trade-partners are in another Nordic country
The Government gives me feedback and assures me when everything is OK
WP3 Take-aways from meetings with business system stakeholders v. 0.1
Addressing - The endpoint(s) of the organisation’s ERP-system must be known
Standardized and detailed APIs for bookkeeping transactions creates an opportunity for extracting details and aggregated to business partners, e.g. Banks
WP1 Desired attributes
Data sharing controlled by the data originator
Strong enforcement of data integrity
Business systems
Standardisation organisations
2.3. Common representation of transactions (semantics)
Business systems
1.3 Product information - avaliable
Business systems
1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information
Business systems
2.1 Provide technical access points to detailed transaction data
Business systems
1.1 Adoption of digital business documents 1.1.1 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Invoices must be retrieved digitally]
1.1 Adoption of digital business documents 1.1.3. Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Orders must be digitally]
1.1 Adoption of digital business documents 1.1.2 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Bank account statement must be digitally]
1.4 Standardisation of eReceipts 1.1.5 All the general fields of eOrders are defined and mapped according a chosen standard. [i.e. Orders must be standardized with clear semantics]
WP1 Architecture principles Build on open standards
WP1 Architecture principles Use clearly defined, global semantics
WP1 Architecture principles Protect user data
WP1 Architecture principles Built to evolve
WP1 Architecture principles Favor imperfect existing standards over perfect custom standards
WP1 Architecture principles Enforce data portability
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook 1.1.1 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Invoices must be retrieved digitally]
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook 1.1.2 Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Bank account statement must be digitally]
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook 1.1.5 All the general fields of eOrders are defined and mapped according a chosen standard. [i.e. Orders must be standardized with clear semantics]
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook 1.1.3. Data will be collected from qualified electronic financial documents [i.e. Orders must be digitally]
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook The information must be represented in a generic and system-independent way to record all of the details in any kind of ledger and bookkeeping
WP2 Common Nordic Rulebook Capture product information
1.1.5 All the general fields of eOrders are defined and mapped according a chosen standard. [i.e. Orders must be standardized with clear semantics] Build on open standards
1.1.5 All the general fields of eOrders are defined and mapped according a chosen standard. [i.e. Orders must be standardized with clear semantics] Use clearly defined, global semantics
The information must be represented in a generic and system-independent way to record all of the details in any kind of ledger and bookkeeping Enforce data portability
WP4 Capabilities needed of the reference implementation Financial reports must be available for lookup [use case 6]
WP4 Capabilities needed of the reference implementation Financial raw data must be available for lookup [variants 1-8]
WP4 Capabilities needed of the reference implementation Financial reports must be aggregated over dimentions like products, clients, suppliers, countries, locations, qualities, quantities.
Quality capabilities 3.4 High avaliability
Quality capabilities Authorisation and access control
Quality capabilities User consent for B2B sharing
Quality capabilities 2.2. Manage change and deviations (was: Correctness incl. error detection and correction)
Quality capabilities Authentication
Quality capabilities Encryption
Quality capabilities 5.2 Keeping the data safe (integrity and ownership)
Quality capabilities 3.3 Adressing
Quality capabilities Business systems
Quality capabilities Standardized access (APIs)
Quality capabilities Business systems
3.4 High avaliability Financial reports must be available for lookup [use case 6]
3.4 High avaliability Financial raw data must be available for lookup [variants 1-8]
Authorisation and access control Data sharing controlled by the data originator
Authorisation and access control If someone offers me a better deal or improved service, migrating to new service providers for services like book-keeping, inventory, reporting etc is just as easy as changing operator for my cell phone
User consent for B2B sharing Data sharing controlled by the data originator
Authentication Data sharing controlled by the data originator
Encryption Strong enforcement of data integrity
5.2 Keeping the data safe (integrity and ownership) Strong enforcement of data integrity
3.3 Adressing Addressing - The endpoint(s) of the organisation’s ERP-system must be known
Authentication SBB Authentication
Authorization/power of mandates SBB Authorisation and access control
Business systems 2.2. Manage change and deviations (was: Correctness incl. error detection and correction)
Users consent SBB User consent for B2B sharing
Infrastructure for document exchange SBB Encryption
Infrastructure for document exchange SBB 5.2 Keeping the data safe (integrity and ownership)
Adressing SBB 3.3 Adressing
Business systems 3.4 High avaliability
Standardized access (APIs) Standardized and detailed APIs for bookkeeping transactions creates an opportunity for extracting details and aggregated to business partners, e.g. Banks
Business systems Standardized access (APIs)
WP1 User principles I am in control of all the transaction and financial data of my business
WP1 User principles I never manually enter information that is already maintained digitally by the producers, vendors or the government [TOOP]
WP1 User principles I rarely perform manual steps related to inventory, book-keeping, bank-transactions, VAT- and other government reporting etc, unless I choose to verify the proposals from my systems
WP1 User principles If someone offers me a better deal or improved service, migrating to new service providers for services like book-keeping, inventory, reporting etc is just as easy as changing operator for my cell phone
WP1 User principles When I buy and sell goods and services I don't need to make any special arrangements when my trade-partners are in another Nordic country
WP1 User principles The Government gives me feedback and assures me when everything is OK
WP3 Take-aways from meetings with business system stakeholders v. 0.1 Addressing - The endpoint(s) of the organisation’s ERP-system must be known
WP3 Take-aways from meetings with business system stakeholders v. 0.1 Standardized and detailed APIs for bookkeeping transactions creates an opportunity for extracting details and aggregated to business partners, e.g. Banks
WP1 Desired attributes Data sharing controlled by the data originator
WP1 Desired attributes Strong enforcement of data integrity
Data sharing controlled by the data originator Protect user data
Business systems 1.1 Adoption of digital business documents
Standardisation organisations 1.4 Standardisation of eReceipts
2.3. Common representation of transactions (semantics) The information must be represented in a generic and system-independent way to record all of the details in any kind of ledger and bookkeeping
Business systems 2.3. Common representation of transactions (semantics)
Business systems 2.1 Provide technical access points to detailed transaction data
1.3 Product information - avaliable Capture product information
Business systems 1.3 Product information - avaliable
Regulators 1.1 Adoption of digital business documents
Business systems 1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information
2.1 Provide technical access points to detailed transaction data Financial raw data must be available for lookup [variants 1-8]
Business systems 2.1 Provide technical access points to detailed transaction data