Capability 1.2 - Process all kinds of transactions ()
Capability 1.2 - Process all kinds of transactions
1. Use of digital business documents
1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information
E. Adoption of structured product information
1.2.1 Include and process product information/codes in the business documents
1.2.3 The ordering systems must provide product codes.
1.2.2 Discover product information/codes and access services providing additional information about the product.
1.2.6 Product catalogues should be used with standardized product codes to provide access to machine readable descriptions of product information that can be used thoughout the supply chain. Product codes must be mapped to general codes; UNSPC and Customs code.
Product catalog providers
1.2.4 Enforce the use of product ans service codes in the supply chain.
Business systems
1.2.5 Enforce a best practice for use of product and service codes in eInvoicing.
1.2.7 Synchronize the processes regarding requiring product and service information to make sure product information is digital before encouraging and demanding it
Product catalog providers
Business systems
1.2.8 Standardize a common mandatory set of product and service information, and make this standard flexible enough that it may be extended with sector-specific information and/or information necessary for compliance
Standardisation organisations
F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems
1.2.9 Enable to have enough information on domestic level (codes & rules)
1.2.10 Enable to have enough information on cross-border level (code & rules)
1.2.11 Study the possibilities to utilize eDocuments product information in VAT automation between business systems
1.2.12 Progress in line with the options and possibilities studied earlier eg. proceed towards the goal set by implementing.
1. Use of digital business documents 1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information
1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information E. Adoption of structured product information
1.2 Adoption of digital product and service information F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.1 Include and process product information/codes in the business documents
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.3 The ordering systems must provide product codes.
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.2 Discover product information/codes and access services providing additional information about the product.
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.6 Product catalogues should be used with standardized product codes to provide access to machine readable descriptions of product information that can be used thoughout the supply chain. Product codes must be mapped to general codes; UNSPC and Customs code.
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.4 Enforce the use of product ans service codes in the supply chain.
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.5 Enforce a best practice for use of product and service codes in eInvoicing.
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.7 Synchronize the processes regarding requiring product and service information to make sure product information is digital before encouraging and demanding it
E. Adoption of structured product information 1.2.8 Standardize a common mandatory set of product and service information, and make this standard flexible enough that it may be extended with sector-specific information and/or information necessary for compliance
Product catalog providers 1.2.6 Product catalogues should be used with standardized product codes to provide access to machine readable descriptions of product information that can be used thoughout the supply chain. Product codes must be mapped to general codes; UNSPC and Customs code.
Product catalog providers E. Adoption of structured product information
Business systems E. Adoption of structured product information
Business systems 1.2.1 Include and process product information/codes in the business documents
Regulators 1.2.7 Synchronize the processes regarding requiring product and service information to make sure product information is digital before encouraging and demanding it
Regulators E. Adoption of structured product information
Product catalog providers E. Adoption of structured product information
Product catalog providers 1.2.2 Discover product information/codes and access services providing additional information about the product.
Business systems E. Adoption of structured product information
Business systems 1.2.3 The ordering systems must provide product codes.
Regulators E. Adoption of structured product information
Regulators 1.2.5 Enforce a best practice for use of product and service codes in eInvoicing.
Regulators 1.2.4 Enforce the use of product ans service codes in the supply chain.
Standardisation organisations E. Adoption of structured product information
Standardisation organisations 1.2.8 Standardize a common mandatory set of product and service information, and make this standard flexible enough that it may be extended with sector-specific information and/or information necessary for compliance
F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems 1.2.9 Enable to have enough information on domestic level (codes & rules)
F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems 1.2.10 Enable to have enough information on cross-border level (code & rules)
F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems 1.2.11 Study the possibilities to utilize eDocuments product information in VAT automation between business systems
F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems 1.2.12 Progress in line with the options and possibilities studied earlier eg. proceed towards the goal set by implementing.
Regulators F. VAT automation between businesses and business systems
Regulators 1.2.9 Enable to have enough information on domestic level (codes & rules)
Regulators 1.2.10 Enable to have enough information on cross-border level (code & rules)
Regulators 1.2.11 Study the possibilities to utilize eDocuments product information in VAT automation between business systems
Regulators 1.2.12 Progress in line with the options and possibilities studied earlier eg. proceed towards the goal set by implementing.