Questions ()
High level organizational questions
Do we have sufficient access to public reference data (Business Registry, Product codes, ... others)?
Who will do the certification of ERP-sytems and how can it be done?
How can the process with registration of the business be changed in requirering the business to have a certified accounting systems?
High level legal questions
Requirements on businesses to have a certified accouning system when established?
What rights and duties have the difference actors to the information of the business ("data ownership")
What can the business avoid sharing?
Holistic management on authorization: Unauthorized (open data), users consent (B2B), regualtive access (B2G)?
Hvordan legge til rette for dataminimering – forskjell på behov knyttet til ”kreditt basert på utestående fakturaer” og ”ettersyn”
Can we forsee a standardizaed logging on use/data sharing?
High level semantic questions
Is the differences in standards accross the Nordics and sectors considered a challenge?
Do we have sufficient documents on the input side (e-invoices)? Do we have standardized e-ordres?
Is it possible to have a common way of structuring data so that the questions and answers can be standardized?
Common representation according to XBRL GL - as a concept scheme?
Can SAF-T be used for extracting transactions? Can we build on this with small changes (in the direction of XBRL)?
What are the various representations of (annunal) accounts – sematnics (SAF-T, XBRL, Altinn)?
Can we forsee standardized product information - there are requiremnts on VAT levels, but nothing similar when it comes to product information?
High level technical questions
API or message access
Best practice for secure access with APIs
Discovery - (Dynamic) addressing for APIs (aka capability registry)
What kind of queries/API-s shall be possible - REST, GraphQL, others?
Common solution (SBB) for authorization – for example Altinn Autorization in Norway?
Will we have sufficeint actors on board on (cloud) infrastructure in 2025 that makes services realistic ?
High level organizational questions Do we have sufficient access to public reference data (Business Registry, Product codes, ... others)?
High level organizational questions Who will do the certification of ERP-sytems and how can it be done?
High level organizational questions How can the process with registration of the business be changed in requirering the business to have a certified accounting systems?
High level legal questions Requirements on businesses to have a certified accouning system when established?
High level legal questions What rights and duties have the difference actors to the information of the business ("data ownership")
High level legal questions What can the business avoid sharing?
High level legal questions Holistic management on authorization: Unauthorized (open data), users consent (B2B), regualtive access (B2G)?
High level legal questions Hvordan legge til rette for dataminimering – forskjell på behov knyttet til ”kreditt basert på utestående fakturaer” og ”ettersyn”
High level legal questions Can we forsee a standardizaed logging on use/data sharing?
High level semantic questions Is the differences in standards accross the Nordics and sectors considered a challenge?
High level semantic questions Do we have sufficient documents on the input side (e-invoices)? Do we have standardized e-ordres?
High level semantic questions Is it possible to have a common way of structuring data so that the questions and answers can be standardized?
High level semantic questions Common representation according to XBRL GL - as a concept scheme?
High level semantic questions Can SAF-T be used for extracting transactions? Can we build on this with small changes (in the direction of XBRL)?
High level semantic questions What are the various representations of (annunal) accounts – sematnics (SAF-T, XBRL, Altinn)?
High level semantic questions Can we forsee standardized product information - there are requiremnts on VAT levels, but nothing similar when it comes to product information?
High level technical questions API or message access
High level technical questions Best practice for secure access with APIs
High level technical questions Discovery - (Dynamic) addressing for APIs (aka capability registry)
High level technical questions What kind of queries/API-s shall be possible - REST, GraphQL, others?
High level technical questions Common solution (SBB) for authorization – for example Altinn Autorization in Norway?
High level technical questions Will we have sufficeint actors on board on (cloud) infrastructure in 2025 that makes services realistic ?